Deutsche Version

Knowledgemanagement  in productdelopment:                                              

New Picture Language for efficient Global Communication


In the beginning of the value chain basic knowledge and knowhow is invented  which the following process will need to assure the value of products. Individual Knowledge of the employees should become a company’s structured knowhow so that everyone in the company may use. But the knowledge and Knowhow in productdevelopement is so complex, that it has become difficult to communicate this information by word or writing.

Season by season, productdevelopers all over the world have to create new individual product sketches to inform the following prosuction stages. This wastes a lot of time, money,can not run automatically and extremely unefficient.

What about an internationally standardised picture language that replaces individual  drawn sketches? 

Advantages of  using an internationally standardised Picture Language:

·         Time to market will be shortened: Things that already exist should not be reinvented! ( How often a shirt has to be drawn repeatedly year by year?)

Relevant informations for design will be constructed ones and can be used afterwards by the whole fashion-industry. They are structured in a didactic and sensemaking way and can be individually edited and communicated.

·         Catch the potential of the markets by designers concentrating on the market changes and upcoming trends. The most important designer skill: point out salesattributes which fit to a brand!

·         Use time to create and rethink the best details for products: The art of seduction but also the mistakes are hidden in details! Standards reduce defective productions.  This helps the quality control team. All informations in the picture language system will be scrutinised by experts.

·         Multiply Creativity, caused by teamwork of interdisciplinary experts: Professional persons & experts of different subjects are working together without any problems of communication.

·         Flexibilisation of employment by Networking – Teleworking: Right from the first day in a company, new employees will be able to overview and use the whole visual knowledge and knowhow of that company. Transparency shortens the period of vocational adjustment, consequently productivity will be increased.

Requirements of a visual Standard for Communication

·         Digital graphics: standardised open fileformats that can be edited or converted individually to other formats.  Knowledge can be integrated into all kinds of product-development-softwares.

·        Parameters are centrally controlled to assure homogen and integrated database of files. This leads to the possibility of automatic design processes.

·        Combination and offer of additional productinformations: markets, suppliers, fabrics, multilingualism, measurements, prices, and so forth.

·         Worldwide access to use the knowledge of the fashion industry via Internet

Society of Knowledge: Standards for the Workingprocess / Creativity for  Products

International economy is possible because English became the universal language. Productdevelopment without any missunderstandings is possible, if the fashion industry starts to use the new global (Picture) - Language.

Suggestion to invent a Pool of the fashion industry to create and use a standardised a global Picture Language.